Importers and Exporters


hunter Stealth28

Stealth 28, funded 8 million yen on Makuake, started another campaign on Campfire

We funded 8 million yen from 480 backers on the Makuake crowdfunding campaign. Thank you very much for your support. Stealth28 HTBT / HT – Makuake We have started another crowdfunding campaign on CAMPFIRE machi-ya. Stealth28 HTBT / HT – CAMPFIRE machi-ya

Reusable cotton “LastRound” crowdfunding campaign

We have started a crowdfunding campaign for reusable cotton pad “LastRound” on Makuake. LastRound is an eco-friendly product from Denmark. LastRound on Makuake

visited NZ

Visited Prolife Foods in New Zealand

Denshoku CEO Koji and I visited New Zealand last week. The purpose was to visit Prolife Foods in Hamilton. In Cambridge.Cambridge is the birthplace of our Manuka honey brand, Haddrell’s & Cambridge. We also saw the queen bee rearing. There is only one queen in a hive. Raising a healthy queen is the key to producing high-quality Manuka honey. The hives of premium Manuka honey are deep in the mountains, so we got there by helicopter.The hives also need to be transported by helicopter. We also visited the Manuka honey factory.Tom, who has been in charge of our business, is …

Pro Ears Stealth Elite

The 2nd CF campaign of “ProEars StealthElite”

Stealth Elite funded JPY5,435,497 on the Makuake project, and we have started the 2nd crowdfunding campaign on another CF platform, machi-ya in Campfire.StealthElite on machi-ya

Stealth28 is soon available at additional 7 Yodobashi stores

The “Makuake SHOP” in the Yodobashi Camera Akihabara and Umeda stores, which opened in May, has been selling well and will be expanded to a total of nine stores, including the flagship Yodobashi Camera Shinjuku Nishiguchi main store. Thankfully, they continue selling Stealth28 at the nine stores. Yodobashi press release