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Stealth28 is soon available at additional 7 Yodobashi stores
The “Makuake SHOP” in the Yodobashi Camera Akihabara and Umeda stores, which opened in May, has been selling well and will be expanded to a total of nine stores, including the flagship Yodobashi Camera Shinjuku Nishiguchi main store. Thankfully, they continue selling Stealth28 at the nine stores. Yodobashi press release
AI sound amplifying earbuds XROUND HEAR – Makuake crowdfunding campaign
We have launched XROUND HEAR on Makuake today. We sell HEAR in the Japanese market under an exclusive distribution agreement with Taiwan’s XROUND. HEAR does not just make ambient sound louder but also measures hearing with an app and optimizes it through audiograms tailored to the user’s needs. XROUND HEAR project – Makuake
Stealth 28, funded 8 million yen on Makuake, started another campaign on Campfire
We funded 8 million yen from 480 backers on the Makuake crowdfunding campaign. Thank you very much for your support. Stealth28 HTBT / HT – Makuake We have started another crowdfunding campaign on CAMPFIRE machi-ya. Stealth28 HTBT / HT – CAMPFIRE machi-ya
The 2nd CF campaign of “ProEars StealthElite”
Stealth Elite funded JPY5,435,497 on the Makuake project, and we have started the 2nd crowdfunding campaign on another CF platform, machi-ya in Campfire.StealthElite on machi-ya
Just started selling at Yodobashi Camera – ProEars StealthElite
The electronic hearing protection earphones ProEars StealthElite, are now available at seven major Yodobashi Camera stores. Yodobashi Camera is one of the largest electronic retailers in Japan, and the seven stores are as follows: Shinjuku Main Store (Tokyo), Akiba (Tokyo), Yokohama (Kanagawa), Umeda (Osaka), Kyoto (Kyoto), Sapporo (Hokkaido), and Hakata (Fukuoka) We can’t show you what it looks like in the store, but SE is selling in the earphone section. Also, you may find it in the hearing aid or the game section (because the 5x amplification function can be helpful to hear footsteps in survival games) depending on the …