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Haddrell’s Manuka Honey delivered to Tsuruga
Manuka Honey is selling well. Following on from the ManaKai “Awanui” brands, we have started importing “Haddrell’s and Cambridge” brands. The first shipment arrived at the end of last year, and today I visited Tsuruga city in Fukui prefecture to check the delivery of the second shipment. Thankful to Haddrell’s, the honey packed very well, and there was no damage. We expect the third delivery next week and the fourth delivery next month. This Haddrell’s Manuka Honey sells on the “Sono Shokuan” in Rakuten online mall.
Reusable cotton “LastRound” crowdfunding campaign
We have started a crowdfunding campaign for reusable cotton pad “LastRound” on Makuake. LastRound is an eco-friendly product from Denmark. LastRound on Makuake
Stealth 28, funded 8 million yen on Makuake, started another campaign on Campfire
We funded 8 million yen from 480 backers on the Makuake crowdfunding campaign. Thank you very much for your support. Stealth28 HTBT / HT – Makuake We have started another crowdfunding campaign on CAMPFIRE machi-ya. Stealth28 HTBT / HT – CAMPFIRE machi-ya
CEO Andrew and GM Mike of Prolife Foods came to Japan from New Zealand! They supply us with the Haddrell’s and Cambridge brands of manuka honey. I took them to Denshoku in Tsuruga, the company to which we deliver the honey. We all enjoyed crab.
Stealth28 displays at Yodobashi Akihabara and Umeda
“Makuake SHOP” opens today at Yodobashi Camera Akihabara (Tokyo) and Umeda (Osaka) stores, where Stealth28 will be displayed and sold, so please stop by! Trial listening is also available. — Press Release — Yodobashi Camera:https://www.yodobashi.com/ec/support/news/230525336540/index.html Makuake:https://www.makuake.co.jp/3706/